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Let’s Go Tokyo Japan!! – Registration Now Closed

Hello and welcome!  We have an incredible opportunity this upcoming March to give out GLOW in Tokyo! It’s going to be an incredible mission trip–to distribute 1 million GLOW tracts!  This outreach will be intense and challenging but we want to reach out to our brothers and sisters in Tokyo with tracts that are tailored to reach them. Read the Q&A below to learn more about the trip and how to sign up!

Trip Details:

Start: March 22, 2024 6pm*
End: March 30, 2024 6pm
Organizer: GLOW and Japanese Union Conference
Phone: 559-347-3150
Email: glow@cccsda.org
Venue: A Union Office facility. Exact address to be updated soon.

*We recommend that you arrive earlier on Thursday to adjust to the jet lag.  The facilities we are staying at will allow you to be there early however no food will be provided from the program until Friday evening at 6:00pm. 


Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What is the main objective of this mission trip?
A: This mission trip has the objective of giving out 1 million tracts in Tokyo, Japan. The outreach will be a cooperative between those of us coming as missionaries and the Japanese Union Conference.  Tokyo is the world’s most populated city with 37 million people. Our missionary group will be giving out tracts throughout the city and connecting them with ministries of the church.

Q: How do I sign up?
A: First, fill in your info in the form below as well as info for two references. References are people that we will contact to learn a little more about you prior to acceptance on the mission trip.  After you have submitted your info in the forms, we will contact you regarding your acceptance.  Once accepted, we’ll be in contact with you regarding any further details such as booking tickets, and payments. (For mission trip costs, see question below) Also, after you have been accepted, we will connect you with a group chat on WhatsApp. IT IS CRITICAL that you join this chat as it will be the primary method of our communication and updates.

Q: What is the cost for this mission trip?
A: Following is an estimated breakdown of the costs for this mission trip. More exact pricing will be communicated as we get closer:

  1. Flight to get to Tokyo – Estimate $1,400-$2,800.
    2. Entry Visa into Japan from the U.S. – $0
    3.  Food – Estimate $150
    4. Lodging – $0
    5. Transportation while there (Rental vehicles and trains) – Estimate $150
    6. ARM Short-Term Travel Insurance – $33
    7. GLOW Bag Rental – Free
    8. Background Check – $30 (Not necessary for everyone)
    9. 1,000,000 tracts – $0
  2. SIM Card (if not using your own international plan) $30

Estimated Total: $1,755 – $3,210

Q: Is there an age requirement?
A: Yes, you must be over 18 unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Q: Who will be leading this mission trip?
A: Leaders include GLOW leadership, Jerry Page former GC Ministerial Director, David Pano Michigan Conference Literature Ministries Director, Tim Elming, and other experienced literature ministry leaders.

Q: What kind of outreach will we be doing?
A: During the week we will divide up into teams which will go into Japan via public transit and rental vehicles and give out tracts. Every day a portion of the team will be giving tracts to people in crowded areas with large amounts of foot traffic. The majority of the team will be placing literature in people’s homes through the mailboxes that are built into their front doors. There will also be a third option that will be discussed before or during the mission trip. There is no need to speak Japanese. The tracts will do the speaking for you. We will teach everyone a few simple phrases that will enable you to get by.

Q: Will we go two by two?
A: Yes.  We will be going out in large teams but be paired in twos not far from each other. Each team will be given a segment of territory which will have streets full of pedestrians, apartments with mailboxes, and plenty of other opportunities to give out GLOW.

Q: Will we be giving literature directly to people?
A: Yes. Everyone will get a chance to give out tracts on crowded downtown Tokyo streets.  Each participant must be willing and able to give literature directly to people.

Q: What will the temperatures be like there?
A: Average high of 56 degrees Fahrenheit to 41 low.

Q: What will the Covid safety protocols be on the trip?
A: We will be asking all missionaries to follow any Covid safety guidelines that are outlined by the local Japanese government at the time. Currently, U.S. citizens can enter Japan without being vaccinated against Covid and without testing. Also, masks are not required in public. However, please keep in mind that many Japanese citizens will likely be wearing masks due to personal choice. Also, please regularly check vaccination rules for entry as they are liable to change.

Q: Where will we stay? What will the accommodations be like?
A: The Japanese Union has arranged for us to stay at one of their Union office facilities. Details regarding the location will come soon. Each missionary will need to bring their own bedding. We will have shower facilities at the Union office that are limited and everyone will be put on a schedule to take showers.  There is also an option for taking showers at a public facility that is walking distance from the Union office for those that do not want to have time restrictions for showers and have to deal with the schedule.  However, those facilities cost $3/shower usage and you must be ok with bathing with others close by. Genders are separated. For those who have already registered and are added to the group chat, updates will be regularly given there.  

At this point, there are only accommodations for males and females to sleep separately.  We do not have housing options at the Union office for married couples. If you would like to stay in a room as a married couple, we ask that you look into nearby hotel accommodations and public transit to get to the Union facilities.  Rental vehicle parking availability at the Union office is extremely limited. 

The Japanese Union is also allowing missionaires to stay one or two extra days at the Union office if they would like to after the mission trip is done.  This is an option for those that would like to spend some extra personal time in Japan without having to pay for accommodations. 

Q: How will meals work?
A: We will be eating at the facilities where we will be housed with the exception of lunch. We will provide three plant-based meals a day.  Lunch will be a sack meal in the
field. For those who are strict vegan, we will be supplying some extra items to accommodate. Please let us know in advance if you have any special dietary requirements. We might not be able to accommodate various requests but will make a reasonable attempt to do so.

Q: Will we do anything illegal, or will people get upset at us?
A: We will not be engaging in illegal activity. 

Q: How do we get to the facilities?
A: We ask missionaries to arrive at the facilities LATEST by 6pm local time on Friday the 22nd of March 2024 for our orientation meeting. Once you have booked your ticket, please send the flight information to glow@cccsda.org. We will then meet you at the airport when you land and take you to the facilities. We are recommending that you fly into Narita International Airport. However, please DO NOT book tickets without communicating with us first so we can make sure that your insurance is purchased, background check has cleared, and payment is made for the miscellaneous expenses. You are welcome to arrive at the facilities on Thursday to help overcome jet lag.  Food will not be provided though until Friday evening.

Q: What tracts will we be using? What titles?
A: We are currently working with the General Conference Publishing Department and the Japanese Union to determine the topics for the tracts. They will most likely be on issues related to health, depression, suicide, and state of the dead. Most Japanese are not Christian.

Q: What is the daily schedule?
A: Below you’ll find the tentative daily schedule (Sabbath schedule differs):

Before 6:30 a.m. Morning Devotions, Showers, Personal Time
6:30 – 7:30 a.m. Breakfast at the cafeteria
7:50 – 9:20 a.m. Worship and Training
9:20 – 9:30 a.m. Prepare for the field
9:30 – 12:30 p.m. Missionary Work
12:30-1:00 p.m. Lunch
1:00 – 5:00 p.m. Missionary Work
6:00 – 6:30 p.m. Personal Time/Prep GLOW for Next Day
6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Dinner
7:30 – 8:30 p.m. Testimonies
8:30 – 10:00 p.m. Free/Fun time
10:00 p.m. Quiet

Q: Who do I contact if I have more questions?
A: GLOW’s secretary at glow@cccsda.org or 559-347-3150.

*Note:  This will be an intense front-line distribution mission trip. You must be
physically healthy and able to stand/walk for eight full work days.


Registration is closed

please continue to pray for the success of this mission!

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